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Quiet time

Quiet time is an optional period of time during which no registration is accepted.

Quiet times usually follow Sunrise periods, and last only a couple of days. The amount of days is set by each registry.


The Landrush is also an optional period of time. A Landrush starts after the quiet time, or after the Sunrise period if the registry didn't set any.

Landrush is usually the phase when domain names and premium domain names are available, but with a higher price. Each registry can decide on the criteria to apply for a domain name. When there are several applications for domain names, registries can also set their own rules regarding how to choose which applicant receives the domain name: first-come, first-served basis, auction, etc.

According to the registry, some prices may decrease during the Landrush (the closer it is to general availability, the cheaper the price).

General Availability

This is the final step, when registrations are open and available to everyone on a first-come, first-served basis.

Some registries may set some requirements to register for an extension, the same way it currently works for some country-code extensions (ccTLDs). For example, to register for a .wine domain, you might be asked to prove that you have an activity linked to wine.

To gain access to the early registration phases, you must have registered your brand to the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) through our service. Click here for more information about the TMCH and our Online Brand Protection service.

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